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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Get This Before Your Competition Does!

Consumers are getting much smarter about choosing personal trainers and bootcamps. 

Programs that are just out to impress their clients with whacky exercises or want to beat their clients so hard they can’t move for days are no longer attractive.

Sure, some people love that stuff.  But, the sophisticated middle-aged, middle to upper class clientele doesn’t want to fork over $200 a month for a beat down by some cocky punk trainer.

No, the clients that most trainers want, the ones who pay, stay and refer are looking for something much more out of their training program.

And, that brings me to this…

Mike Robertson and his long-time colleagues Jim Laird & Molly Galbraith put together the first ever done-for-you bootcamp training system – Bootcamp in a Box

These 3 are absolute gurus when it comes to program design, and they’re literally giving you 6 months of their proven workout system.  Plus, they teach you how to implement it!

Oh yeah, and they’ve put their training system on sale this week so I’d grab it now if I were you…

Wishing you health and success,

P.S. – Your clients want to look, FEEL AND PERFORM their best.  Make sure you’ve got the proven training system to do that.  Mike, Molly and Jim are handing theirs over to you on a silver platter.

P.P.S. – SAVE BIG while Bootcamp in a Box is still ON SALE…the price jumps tomorrow night!