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Friday, January 18, 2013

Can yo afford to waste time?

Bootcamp owners often don’t have enough time to do it all – generate leads, convert prospects, design & implement great workouts, provide customer support, sell on the back-end, and the list goes on…

Often times this is because they’re spending way too much time designing their programs.  At least, that’s what the great trainers do.  The crappy ones just make it up as they go along or at best look for the latest and greatest exercises on YouTube each weekend to “program” their next week of workouts…

Well, if you’re one of the great ones, you really should take a look at Bootcamp in a Box for no other reason than to SAVE TIME.  Mike Robertson, Jim Laird & Molly Galbraith are 3 of the top program designers in our industry, and they want to give you 6 months of their program design!

Think about it…
  • How long would it take you to sit down and write out all the progressions and regressions for each movement pattern?
  • What about learning the specific coaching cues you should use for every single exercise and/or movement pattern?
  • Most importantly, how long would it take you to sit down and write out 6-months of workouts?
I don’t care how good you are – that would take some time!
STOP WASTING THAT TIME!  Mike, Jim and Molly have already spent the time for you and they’ve put it all together in their Bootcamp in aBox training system.

Oh yeah, if you’re that crappy trainer who “designs” workouts by the seat of your pants you really need this, but chances are you probably think you know it all already so I won’t try to convince you otherwise.   Your competition can get it…

So, really good trainers who want to get even better this year…CLICK HERE

Wishing you health and success,

P.S. – Save time, save money, and deliver the very best bootcamp program in your city – that’s exactly what Bootcamp in a Box will do for you.  :-)

P.P.S. – Today is the last day for the Bootcamp in a Box SALE.  This price goes up TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!