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Friday, April 3, 2015

Eric Cressey's High Performance Handbook

I wanted to make sure that you new that Eric Cressey has just announced a special sale of his High Performance Handbook.  The sale ends tomorrow night!

This is Eric's amazing 4-month training program that is loaded with extra goodies.  I could go on and on about it, but really, here are 5 reasons you need this program:

1. It's 4-months of programming from Cressey.  Enough said.
2. The program is modifiable with a few self-assessments that you can use to customize the program
3. It features over 200 exercise videos with Eric's coaching cues, so in essence, this is also an education product to see how Eric programs and coaches.  That's over 3 hours of coaching tutorials
4. The nutrition guide from Brian St. Pierre alone is worth the value
5. It's never been on sale before!

The High Performance Handbook is $50 off until the end of the day tomorrow, Saturday April 4th.

Click here to get the High Performance Handbook
