- Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey are offering a 25% discount on their Functional Stability Training Series (Core, Lower Extremity, and Upper Extremity). This has quickly become one of my favorite series to study. Use code BF2014 at checkout.
- Kevin Wilk and Mike Reinold are offering a 25% discount on the below products. Use code BF2014 at checkout.
- Erson Religioso is offering a 25% discount on Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization Technique. Use code BF2014 at checkout. Here is a link that describes IASTM and the EDGE Mobility System.
- Mike Reinold is offering a 25% discount on his Shoulder Seminar.Use code BF2014 at checkout.
- Rehab Webinars is being offered at a 50% discount on a yearly membership.
As I find sales on quality products I will update this blog. Check back frequently.
Wishing you health and success,